November 29, 2012

HOT New Way to Market to Your Dental Customers

After speaking to a few of my clients over the past year, I have found that Marketing in the Dental office is very important - and those who market the best and with the most cost effective methods tend to be at the top when it comes to keeping those patients filling up your chairs.

A good friend of mine and a guru in the world of Dental Marketing, Mr. Eddie O'Keefe ( taught me that by simply sending out monthly newsletters to your existing customers can increase your profits significantly.  And the good news is, that it only takes a little bit of work up front to get a newsletter account set up, and you can add news updates and dental content each month to keep your company name in front of your paying customers.

When it comes to dental marketing, it is definitely a contact sport, meaning you cannot sit on the sidelines and expect people to know each and every service your practice offers, and how you can help each of your customers.  As you know, most of your customers are just there to get a cleaning, and do not even know that general dentists can now:
  • Help TMJ, Headache, and pain patients
  • Make their teeth look like the movie stars they adore
  • Help them live longer by preventing snoring and sleep apnea
  • Do some Orthodontics cases
  • and more!
You have to constantly find ways to set yourself apart from the hundreds, if not thousands of dentists in your area.

Here is a quick way to start an EASY dental marketing campaign with your EXISTING client base that is virtually free.
  1. Set up a newsletter account at Streamsend (just like the one I send to our Dental clients)
  2. Put together all of your clients email lists into an Excel spreadsheet.  Most office managers can do this in a few minutes.  OR, make it a project over the course of a week or two if you need to add the customers manually.
  3. Pick out a template that fits your style and is dental customer appropriate.
  4. Add Content
    1. You can use articles in the news, your local media, or pretty much anything you can find online if you do not want to write original articles.  Remember that you must quote the source by including the link at the bottom of your article.
    2. Use Games for the kids (crosswords, word-finds, sudoku puzzles, etc) and RECIPES for the parents.  Parents LOVE Recipes!
  5.  Save your template and add new content each month and send out your Newsletter once per month!
Some other tips:
  • During your dental marketing campaign - stay current and add new names and email addresses as you acquire them.  Remember that some people will opt out, and that is fine, but as long as you add everybody, over time your list will grow.
  • Ask customers to use your finished cases as TESTIMONIALS on your newsletter.  After all, most people love the publicity, especially if they are a prominent figure in your community.
  • Include your Twitter and Facebook profiles in the newsletter.  The templates allow you to add a Twitter and FB logo and you can add your place page website links in their too!
  • And ALWAYS include your website and contact (phone) number so your dental marketing campaign will drive your customers back to your controlled environment of service offerings.
You can email me at for any additional questions!

Good luck!

Nathan Riopelle

November 13, 2012

Dr. Nick Yiannios - Branson Missouri Dentist Using Diagnostical Technology in His Practice

Here are some great videos showing Dr. Nick Yiannios, dentist in Branson, Missouri, using the BioRESEARCH Advanced Diagnostics equipment to treat patients in his dental practice.

For more info, you can reach Dr. Nick Yiannios at or by visiting his office at:

203 Buccaneer Blvd, Suite C
Branson, MO 65616
Phone: (417) 334-2131

 Dr. Nick Yiannios Branson Missouri Dentist uses JVA from BioRESEARCH to screen for TMJ Pain

Dr. Nick Yiannios Branson Missouri Dentist uses EMG from BioRESEARCH to screen for TMJ Muscle Pain

Dr. Nick Yiannios Branson Missouri Dentist uses T-Scan from BioRESEARCH to screen for TMJ  Pain

For more information on the products used in this video in dentistry, visit

For more information on TMD, including videos on anatomy and TMJ pain, visit TMJ Dysfunction.

October 03, 2012

MLS Mphi5 Dental Laser Patient Testimonial

New MLS Laser for Dentistry is getting rave reviews by the TMJ and Craniofacial Pain Patients!

We have been getting lots of positive feedback from patients and dentists alike with the Brand New MLS Mphi5 Cold Laser for the treatment of TMD and craniofacial pain.

This is a testimonial from Ms. Carrie Kahus, a patient of Dr. Michael Smith of The Biting Edge Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ.

MLS Mphi5 Dental Laser Testimonial

Watch Video Here:

For more info on the MLS laser:

Read more on the laser here:

MLS Laser Specs and Uses:

September 06, 2012

Press Release: Dr. Mike Smith from The Biting Edge Dentistry joins BioRESEARCH Product Development Team for New MLS Dental Laser

Dr. Michael Smith Joins BioRESEARCH Assoc. Product Development Team for Brand New Dental Laser Technology

Dr. Michael Smith, of The Biting Edge, PC Family Dentistry, located in Phoenix, Arizona, has been asked to join the Dentist Development and Education Team of BioRESEARCH Assoc. Inc. of Milwaukee WI for new dental MLS Mphi5 laser technology.

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) September 05, 2012
Dr. Michael Smith, of The Biting Edge, PC Family Dentistry, located in Phoenix, Arizona, has been asked to join the Dentist Development and Education Team of BioRESEARCH Assoc. Inc. of Milwaukee WI. BioRESEARCH is the world leader in craniofacial diagnostic aids and with Dr. Michael Smith’s help they are working to develop and train dentists in objective, biometric diagnostics of craniofacial pain together with the treatment option of using the MLS Mphi5 Laser technology. Together they hope to educate dentists and patients on the importance of objective diagnosing in the dental field and giving patients the best available technologies and treatment options.
The Mphi Family Diode laser (ASA Laser, Italy) is intended to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for temporary relief of muscle and joint pain and stiffness, arthritis pain, or muscle spasm, the temporary increase in local blood circulation and/or promoting the relaxation of muscle. With fast treatment times and reduced number of treatments, the MLS laser gives clinicians another option for speeding up treatment times in dental applications.
As a non-invasive treatment option for TMJ and craniofacial disorders, the MLS laser now offers patients a higher level of care and management of facial pain and inflammation.
Dr. Michael Smith’s role on the team is to use the MLS laser technology along with advanced diagnostic aides for TMJ dysfunction and craniofacial pain in the clinical setting. Dr. Michael Smith will also help to develop and educate practicing dentists in North America with his advanced dentistry techniques.
With the rising cost of health care, Dr. Michael Smith knows it is critical to offer affordable and objective tests to any patient that is experiencing pain, dental breakdown or splint therapy. Dr. Michael Smith is excited to be the first dental office in Arizona to be offering his new dental laser technology.
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview or dental consultation with Dr. Michael Smith at The Biting Edge Family Dentistry call 602-279-7312 or visit
For more information from the North American distributor, BioRESEARCH Assoc. Inc. of Milwaukee you can contact Mr. Nate Krey, Director of Sales, North America, at 800.251.2315 or email him at natek(at)bioresearchinc(dot)com.

August 30, 2012

Biometrics Hawaii Brochure - Learn TMJ Diagnosis for Dentists and Golf in Hawaii!

It's been an exciting week at BioRESEARCH - we are getting geared up for our first Biometric Interpretation and Treatment/application course in Hawaii.

If you are wanting to learn about TMJ and craniofacial diagnostics - or just need to review how to use JVA, EMG, JT3D (jaw tracking), TScan, or the new MLS laser, grab your golf clubs and come join us at Waialae Country Club ( November 7-9, 2012 in Honolulu.

Click below to view the brochure:

Instacal Error Message - What to do when you receive an Instacal Error Message

Here at BioRESEARCH, we get about 3-5 phone calls per week about this simple, but common error message that comes up in the BioPak program.

The problem arises when Instacal is not running in order to recognize the hardware (EMG, JVA, JT3D, etc) to communicate with the Windows operating system.  This occurs usually the first time you run the BioPak, OR you plug the device into a new USB port after being disconnected for some time.

Follow these simple instructions to fix the Instacal message!

July 12, 2012

The BioRESEARCH New Website is up! - See the New pages for Dentists at!

Over the past few months, BioRESEARCH of Milwaukee, WI has been working on it's new website.

The process is continuing and each day new features are added to the BioRESEARCH website for both dentists and patients.

Whether you are a dentist looking for Continuing Education resources or the best in TMJ and craniofacial diagnostic products, or a patient trying to find the best dentists in the country, the website will have everything from course schedules to calendars and a even a search directory for patients looking for dentists in their area.

BioRESEARCH is most known for its JVA system, or Joint Vibration Analysis and is currently one of the only diagnostical devices on the market for dentists that can help and assist to accurately diagnose the condition of the TMJ during function.

For those dentists unfamiliar with the technology, the JVA works by recording the vibrations of the pathologic TMJ and giving the dentist or clinician objective data both visually as a waveform and numerically to identify a disease state.  BioRESEARCH has developed the technology and has been continually updating the research for the past 20 years.

BioRESEARCH also developed the JT3D or jaw tracking device that objectifies mandibular kinesiology.  The JT3D is used by dentists when looking at the chewing or mastication patterns as well as identifying cross bites, abnormal swallowing patterns, dyskinetic and bradykinetic closing and opening patterns, and also can be used in combination with the JVA to get an accurate reading at the timing and location of the joint pathology.

The EMG III device was developed to measure the muscle activity of the masseters, sternocleidomastoids, Temporalis anterior, and digastric muscles in both rest and function.  Hyperactive muscles can help determine cause to further craniofacial issues.  Furthermore, parafunctional activities such as clenching or grinding will lead to higher readings on the EMG device.

BioRESEARCH is also new to the treatment arena - now being the only company in N America offering the new MLS Laser Therapy for treatment and relief of craniofacial muscle and joint pain.  By offering dentists a new technology that has only been offered to veterinary, medical, and chiropractic professionals in the past, treatment times can be sped up significantly.

The MLS Laser is now available to both dentists in Canada and the United States.

To learn more about BioRESEARCH and the products that they provide for dentists, be sure to visit to learn more.

There are sections for both patients and dentists.

-Nathan Riopelle
N American Sales
BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc
Milwaukee, WI

June 25, 2012

New Calendar up for Dental Continuing Education on

As most of you know, we are currently in the process of updating our website at

One of the big changes that you will see in the upcoming months is the ability to download and view instructional videos, view past lectures, and learn more about JVA, EMG, JT3d, and the new MLS Laser.

Also, we now have our live calendar up to date for all pertinent Biometrics courses in dentistry including those from:

As always, feel free to reach out to BioRESEARCH at 1-800-251-2315.

Best -

June 21, 2012

2012 BioRESEARCH Biometric Interpretation (BMI) Schedule

Biometric Interpretation and Treatment/Application in Hawaii 2012 BioMetric Interpretation Course Schedule

***To Register for any of the dates - contact Nathan Riopelle at 414-202-5430 or

May 30, 2012

JT3D - Jaw Tracker Set-Up Video

This video shows how to set up the JT3D properly prior to taking these tests:
- Range of Motion (ROM)
- Velocity
- Mastication

March 28, 2012

FREE T-Scan Courses in Portland and Seattle

2 Continuing Ed courses Available for T-Scan Occlusal Adjustment

Portland, Oregon May 19, 2012
T-Scan Course in Portland

Seattle, Washington May 18, 2012
T-Scan Course in Seattle

If you'd like a 30 minute, complimentary T-Scan demo online, contact Nathan Riopelle at 414-202-5430 or email for more details.

A Dentist balances a patient's occlusion with the T-Scan device

March 26, 2012

Rondeau Seminars - Case Finishing and Occlusion

Level III, Case Finishing and Occlusion

Rondeau Seminars Logo
DAY 1 - Hands-On Mechanics with Dr. Adrian Palencar

Course Content
Dr. Palencar
Dr. Adrian Palencar

Biokinetics of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Principles of Biomechanics
Mulligan Common Sense Mechanics
Moments and Forces

Hands-On Wire Bending

  • "V" Bends
  • Step-up & step-down bend
  • Vertical open loop
  • Vertical helical closing loop
  • Horizontal "L" open boot loop
  • Keyhole closing loop
  • Mushroom "M" closing loop
  • Utility arches:  Neutral, Intrusive, Extrusive, Protrusive, Retrusive
  • Connecticut Intrusion Arch (CIA)
  • Tip back and tip forward
  • Mulligan mechanics:  Intrusive arch, Retrusive arch, Overlay arch, Center & off Center bends, In-bend & out-bend, Toe-in & toe-out 
Dr. Puksa
Dr. Michael Puksa
DAY 2 - Managing Occlusion
Review of joints, muscles, teeth and airway
Defining normal occlusion
Forces, timing and balance, occlusion time, disclusion time, canine guidance, anterior guidance, working and non-working interferences
How T-Scan prevented $20,000 retreatment of a crown and bridge case
Introduction to T-Scan technology
Complex cases
Review of concepts
Review of T-Scan technology
Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA)
Each course participant will adjust an occlusion using Essex retainers and T-Scan
Advantages of T-Scan over articulating paper in order to adjust an occlusion
Key to Successful Treatment
Phase I:     Stabilizing the TMJ with Splint Therapy
Phase II:    Orthodontic Case Finishing
Phase III:   Occlusal Adjustments with T-Scan 

Las Vegas, NV .......... May 18 & 19, 2012
London, ON .............. September 14 & 15, 2012
Toronto, ON .............. November 2 & 3, 2012
Chicago, IL ............... January 18 & 19, 2013

$1,095 for both days

Course limited to 15 dentists.  Earn 9 CE hours lecture, 5 hours participation.  Each day comes with a comprehensive course manual. 


call 1-877-372-7625 


Approved PACE Program Provider
Approval does not imply acceptance
by a state or provincial board of
dentistry or AGD endorsement
3/1/2012 to 2/28/2015

This email was sent to by |  
Rondeau Seminars | 1295 Highbury Avenue #C8 | London | Ontario | N5Y 5L3 | Canada

March 19, 2012

Learn BETTER Dentistry AND Get a FREE Flight!

March 17, 2012

TENS video

Instructions on how to use the BioTENS unit from BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc.

To learn more about the TENS unit, visit:

March 06, 2012

Mphi5 Laser Assembly Video

Instructions on how to assemble the pantograph arm aka "Charlie Head" on the MLS therapy Mphi5 Laser.

For more information on the how the laser can benefit you in your Evidence Based Dentistry Practice, visit or call

BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc to Release Mphi5 Laser to Dentists in N America


BioResearch Associates, Inc ( Milwaukee, WI) is now going to be the distributor for the Mphi 5 Laser system by ASA Lasers (Italy,

The official product launch and demonstration will be on May 3-5 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Milwaukee for the 2012 Annual Conference of Evidence Based Dentistry and Biometrics, the annual meeting put on by BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc.

BioResearch has primarily been a diagnostical provider in dentistry, focusing on the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), including the facial muscles, and the stomatognathic system as a whole (jaw function). With the introduction to the laser into the N American market, dentists will now have an alternative therapy for speeding up the healing process of pain disorders.
Mphi Laser Safety Glasses

The Mphi 5 works by speeding up the healing process at the mitochondrial level. Mitochondria are organelles within the cells that are basically the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell. This is where ATP is created which is the energy source of the cellular process. According to, ” Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, produce secretory products, contract - in short, they are the power centers of the cell.”

Also, since the Mphi 5 was developed for medical use, there are many presets (frequency spectra) that can be set for a number of treatments including everything from acne to knee pain.
*ASA laser website
*BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc website

**Click here and Book your Seat at the ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Laser release.

Book by 15 March 2012 and we'll PAY YOUR AIRFARE or HOTEL.

Dr. Manminder Singh Sethi uses the MLS Laser to treat Back Pain

More information and pre-orders can be placed by contacting Nathan Riopelle at 414-202-5430 or email at


February 29, 2012

Annual Conference Airfare Promotion!

We will buy your airfare to this year's
BioRESEARCH Annual Conference May 3rd-5th MIlwaukee, WI  Call 800-251-2315 to Register

2012 BioRESEARCH Annual Conference 

Milwaukee, WI - This year's Annual Conference is going to be the best one yet.
This conference will include live clinical exams, treatment plans, and case presentations involving biometrics.  We will also be featuring our workshops with many new topics and presenters.

We will buy the airfare of the first 10 doctors that register.  Call 800.251.2315 to register.
If it is after hours, please leave a message and we will be able to tell what time you called.
*not valid for international travel

Other Events from BioRESEARCH
3/1-3/2 Biometric Diagnostics in Dentistry, Kiev, Ukraine
6/1-6/2  JVA and T-scan Integration, Dr. Mike Smith, Milwaukee
6/4-6/10 BioRESEARCH International Week, Milwaukee
6/8-6/9 Biometric Interpretation, Dr. Ray Becker, Milwaukee
6/10 Ortho, Sleep, and TMD applications of Biometrics, Dr. Roy Jolley, Milwaukee
8/3-8/4 Biometric Staff Certification, Dr. Cynthia Wiggins, Milwaukee
8/3-8/4 Business of Biometrics (Making Biometrics Profitable), Milwaukee
8/7-8/12 BioRESEARCH International Week, Milwaukee
8/10-8/11 Biometric Interpretation, Dr. Ray Becker, Milwaukee
8/12 The Innovative Smile, Biometric Application of Implants, Dr. Sangiv Patel, Milwaukee
10/15-10/17 BioRESEARCH coming to Hawaii *****limited number of spots*******

Call 800.251.2315 or email to request a brochure

We will buy the airfare of the first 10 doctors that register.  Call 800.251.2315 to register.
If it is after hours, please leave a message and we will be able to tell what time you called.
*not valid for international travel

Offer Expires: 3/15/12