July 12, 2012

The BioRESEARCH New Website is up! - See the New pages for Dentists at BioRESEARCHinc.com!

Over the past few months, BioRESEARCH of Milwaukee, WI has been working on it's new website.

The process is continuing and each day new features are added to the BioRESEARCH website for both dentists and patients.

Whether you are a dentist looking for Continuing Education resources or the best in TMJ and craniofacial diagnostic products, or a patient trying to find the best dentists in the country, the website will have everything from course schedules to calendars and a even a search directory for patients looking for dentists in their area.

BioRESEARCH is most known for its JVA system, or Joint Vibration Analysis and is currently one of the only diagnostical devices on the market for dentists that can help and assist to accurately diagnose the condition of the TMJ during function.

For those dentists unfamiliar with the technology, the JVA works by recording the vibrations of the pathologic TMJ and giving the dentist or clinician objective data both visually as a waveform and numerically to identify a disease state.  BioRESEARCH has developed the technology and has been continually updating the research for the past 20 years.

BioRESEARCH also developed the JT3D or jaw tracking device that objectifies mandibular kinesiology.  The JT3D is used by dentists when looking at the chewing or mastication patterns as well as identifying cross bites, abnormal swallowing patterns, dyskinetic and bradykinetic closing and opening patterns, and also can be used in combination with the JVA to get an accurate reading at the timing and location of the joint pathology.

The EMG III device was developed to measure the muscle activity of the masseters, sternocleidomastoids, Temporalis anterior, and digastric muscles in both rest and function.  Hyperactive muscles can help determine cause to further craniofacial issues.  Furthermore, parafunctional activities such as clenching or grinding will lead to higher readings on the EMG device.

BioRESEARCH is also new to the treatment arena - now being the only company in N America offering the new MLS Laser Therapy for treatment and relief of craniofacial muscle and joint pain.  By offering dentists a new technology that has only been offered to veterinary, medical, and chiropractic professionals in the past, treatment times can be sped up significantly.

The MLS Laser is now available to both dentists in Canada and the United States.

To learn more about BioRESEARCH and the products that they provide for dentists, be sure to visit http://BioRESEARCHinc.com to learn more.

There are sections for both patients and dentists.

-Nathan Riopelle
N American Sales
BioRESEARCH Associates, Inc
Milwaukee, WI