January 29, 2012

Relationship Between Orthodontics and Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Relationship Between Orthodontics and Snoring and Sleep Apnea

from How Early Orthodontic Treatment can Prevent Temporomandibular Dysfunction, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea: 2 Different Treatment Philosophies.  Full article can be seen at http://www.biojva.net/AC08/rondeau.pdf

By Brock Rondeau, DDS

Snoring is caused when the tongue partially blocks the airway. Snoring is not dangerous to a person’s health, but it can be extremely detrimental to one’s relationship with his or her spouse. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused when the tongue completely blocks the airway for 10 seconds or more, at least 35 times per night. (17, 18)

There is a direct relationship between OSA and cardiovascular diseases, including high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, hypercapnia (increase in carbon dioxide), and cardiac arrhythmias.  OSA also has been linked to type 2 diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux. When OSA causes a patient to stop breathing, sometimes 40 times per hour, the amount of oxygen in
the blood is reduced, which poses serious health risks. Patients with class II division 1 skeletal malocclusions with retrognathic mandibles are prime candidates for snoring and OSA later in life. The cause of OSA is the retruded tongue, which occurs naturally when the mandible is retruded. As many patients grow older, they gradually gain weight, increasing the fat in their necks and lessening the muscle tone, which reduces the size of the airway. Women with a neck size > 16 in and men with a neck size > 17 in are candidates for snoring and OSA. (19) It has been estimated that the prevalence of sleep apnea in North American is approximately 15% of men (53 million) and 5% of women (19 million). (20)  In the author’s opinion, OSA is one of the most dangerous and underdiagnosed conditions worldwide.

 When bicuspids are extracted in class II division 1 skeletal patients and the maxillary teeth are subsequently retracted, the patient may be predisposed to snoring and sleep apnea later in life. Before treatment, the mandible and tongue are in a retruded
position. When the maxillary teeth are retracted, the tongue and the mandible are prevented from obtaining their normal forward position. (21-23) The treatment of choice would be to bring the lower jaw forward with a functional jaw orthopedic appliance,
which repositions the lower jaw forward to its proper position. Appliances used in orthodontics for this purpose include the Twin-Block, Herbst, and MARA. When the lower jaw is brought forward nonsurgically with these functional appliances, the tongue comes forward and opens the airway, which prevents snoring and sleep apnea.

For cases of severe sleep apnea, the medical profession recommends a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) device, which forces air up the nose all night using an air compressor. Many patients with less severe OSA, especially those with mild to moderate sleep apnea, cannot tolerate this device.(24)  Patients much prefer to wear an oral appliance that comfortably moves the lower jaw and tongue forward and opens up the airway to prevent snoring and OSA. The dental profession is in the position not only to prevent snoring and sleep apnea by using functional appliances when children are growing, but also to solve the problem in adults using oral appliances.(25)

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is critical that the correct diagnosis and treatment plan be implemented for our younger patients with Class II skeletal malocclusions and underdeveloped lower jaws. The ideal treatment is to utilize some
type of functional jaw orthopedic appliance such as the Twin Block or MARA Appliance to reposition the lower jaw forward. This improves the health of the TMJ by moving the condyles downward and forward, thus decompressing the TM Joint. It helps solve or
prevent snoring and obstructive sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw and tongue forward, which opens up the airway.


17. Mooe, T., et al, Sleep-disordered Breathing in Men with Coronary Artery Disease,1996, Chest 10, 659-63.

18. Shahar E., et al. Sleep-disorder Breathing and Cardiovascular Disease: Crosssectional

Results of Sleep Heart Health Study, 2001, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 163, 19-25.

19. Lavie, Peretz, Restless Nights Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea. 2002, 96-97.

20. Lavie, Peretz, Restless Nights Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea. 2002, 88.

21. Clark, William J. Twin Block Functional Therapy Applications, Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2nd edition, 2002,18-19.

22. Paulsen, Hans V., Papodapoulos, Mosohos A., The Herbst Appliance,Orthodontic Treatment of the Class II Noncompliant Patient. 2006, 41-42.

23. Eckhart, James E., The Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance, 107-109.

24. Lavie, Peretz, Restless Nights Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea. 2002.

25. Lowe AA. Efficiency of oral appliance therapy as an adjunct to CPAP. American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. Convention, Baltimore Maryland, June 8, 2008.

Dr. John Nosti Teaches BTAC in Florida

On Day 3 of the Biometrics Interpretation (BMI), Treatment and Application (BTAC) courses held at the Dawson Academy in St Petersburg, FL, Dr. John Nosti, DMD, FAGD, FACE teaches about the importance of Biometrics in Dentistry and how the JVA (Joint Vibration Analysis), EMG, Jaw Tracker, and T-Scan (for computerized occlusal adjustment) devices can assist with your cases.

Dr. Nosti (top) teaches as Dr. Geeta Parekh (middle left), Dr. Beata Carlson (middle right), and Dr. Maria Verne (bottom) look on.

January 28, 2012

Biometric Interpretation Class

Class in St Pete at the Dawson Academy facilities

January 27, 2012

JVA and Margaritas!!

Dr Glenn Schmidt, Dr Ray Becker, and Nate Rio in St Pete

January 26, 2012

Indent Systems - UK Supplies Distributor of Biometrics in Dentistry

If you are living in the UK, you can find more about how Biometrics Diagnostical devices can help your Dentisty practice by visiting:

January 25, 2012

Master T-Scan Course in UK

Register Now for the "Mastering T-Scan" Course in Occlusion in Coleshill, Warwickshire (outside of Birmingham), UK with Dr. Robert Kerstein

Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd April 2011.

TMJ Diagnostical comparison of MRI, CT, and JVA

BioJVA Comparison With MRI and CT

If you would like a Complimentary information packet on the JVA and how it can help you practice, email nathanr@bioresearchinc.com or call Nathan at 414-202-5430 and we'll send you off some information.

January 24, 2012

Market your Practice on Facebook


Orthodontic Education for Dentists

Systematic Steps in JVA and T-Scan by Michael A. Smith, DMD

Systematic Steps in JVA and T-Scan

****For more info or to Register, contact Nathan Riopelle at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

January 23, 2012

Dentists can Provide Alternate Therapy to CPAP for Sleep Apnea Patients

Did you know that 70% of N. American Adults have Sleep Disorders??
So what does that mean? Many people think that going to Starbucks or Duncan Donuts everyday to caffeinate is 'normal' and 'everybody does that' because 'I just work too hard' and 'I'm always tired.'
However, this is far from the truth.
Sleep disorders are becoming an epidemic - and fast. Sleep disorders are shortening lives - FACT. Sleep disorders are costing business BILLIONS of dollars in decreased wokers production - FACT. Sleep disorders are causing HUNDREDS of car accidents DAILY and costing Corporations MILLIONS in legal fees.
Think about it - you ever see a Big Rig Semi Truck swirve into your lane late at night? Or refill their 100 oz. Big Gulp full of Mountain Dew to stay awake while driving long hours? Of course you have.
Schneider Trucking in Green Bay, WI (www.schneider.com) is now having sleep studies done on their semi truck drivers.
There are different sleep disorders ranging from sleep deprivation, snoring, and Sleep Apnea.
Now, just to clarify, sleep deprivation is different than Sleep Apnea. If you are sleep deprived because you NEVER SLEEP, then well, try getting more sleep. However, if you are sleeping 10 hours per night and STILL TIRED, then you may have sleep Apnea.
What the heck is sleep apnea?? I'm glad you asked. Apnea means the cessation
of breathing for 10 seconds or more. Each time this occurs, it's 1 event. People can range from less than 5 events per hour to 30 plus! Can you imagine how if you were stopping breathing 30 times per hour (or once every 2 min), how that would affect your health!??
Fast Facts:
*The Challenger Space shuttle Disaster was linked to a NASA employee with Sleep Apnea
* Reggie White of the Green Bay Packers had Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which was linked to his death
* 65% of Diabetics are Sleep Apneic - which is why there is also a huge correlation with Heart Disease
* 84% of people who have had with a nighttime stroke has Sleep apnea
* 70% of Adults have Sleep Disorders
How do I know if I have Sleep Apnea?
-If you are overweight, have an large neck (men greater than 17" women greater than 16"), or you score high on the Epworth Test, you may have sleep apnea.
Take this test here: http://www.sleeptest.com/take-a-sleep-test This will give you an idea of if your sleepiness is abnormal.
OR call my pal Marc Anthony Senat at 1-800-SLEEPTEST because you need to be Diagnosed by taking a formal Sleep Test at a clinic or hospital.
How is it treated?
1. Surgery (nose or throat) I sure as HELL wouldn't want this done.
2. CPAP - this works for many, but would you want to look like this guy on the top of this page?
3. Dentistry - wear a sleep appliance!!
Are you a Dentist reading this? Want to make some money?? Check this out - THIS IS A $24 BILLION MARKET!
Can you say OPPORTUNITY? Some dentists like Dr. Brock Rondeau of London, ON, Canada(www.rondeauseminars.com) teach courses for Dentists tapping into this huge market, because honestly, most physicians (you know them as "Doctor") only offer the CPAP option (see pic up top again).
So, why the heck are you Tired? Maybe you're tired, but you have none of these symptoms. If you do not have a sleep disorder, maybe your bunk buddy does!!
Questions? Hit me up at nathanriopelle@yahoo.com

Dentistry Today - JVA in General Dentistry

7 Reasons you MUST do Social Media Marketing

Learn more how Social Media can help grow your business:

T-Scan Patient Education Video

A Great Video for your Dental office website:

For an on-site demonstration or online training, contact Nathan at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

January 20, 2012

T-Scan III for Occlusal Case Finishing

How to use the T-Scan III to look at relative Forces and Occlusal Contacts

You can use the T-Scan to get a more accurate reading as a case finishing tool vs. articulation paper alone.

For a live demo or online demo and/or training, contact Nathan at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

Anatomy Cross Sections - TMJ Stages of Internal Derangement

Normal Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ):

Notice the bi-concave shape of the disc, and it consistently stays between the condylar head and the articular eminence.  When the mandible is closed, note that the joint is more down and forward as opposed to up and back, leaving room for the blood vessels and nerves posteriorly.

Anterior Disc Displacement With Reduction

In this case, you can see that the ligaments are more stretched out, leaving the disc anteriorly displaced on the condyle, so that when the jaw opens, it 'clicks' or 'pops' back in place, and the reciprocal 'click' occurs during closing.

Medially Displaced Disc

In this example, the disc displaces and reduces medio-laterally.

Degenerative Joint Disease with Perforation

This shows when the disc is perforated and thus positioned completely in front of the condyle.  There is no longer that bi-concave shape, and you can notice the flattening of the condyle due to the continuous bony tissue contact with the eminence.  Note also how the shape of the fossa has changed.

For more information and to show how the Joint Vibration Analysis can detect these stages of internal derangement, Contact Nathan at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

Learn JVA (Joint Vibration Analysis) in 3 Easy Steps

Learn JVA in these 3 Easy Steps!

Step 1. Recording a Trace and Measuring Joint Functional Vibrations

Step 2. Selecting the TM Joint Vibrations

Step 3. Interpreting the Vibrations to help with a pathology state Diagnosis of the TMJ

For Questions or to schedule an office visit contact me at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

January 19, 2012

Dentists - Diagnose more, Treat more, Earn more

How the BioJVA (J oint V ibration A nalysis)  can Help Diagnose More TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) Patients in your Practice, creating more Treatment opportunities.

The BioJVA gives you Objective, repeatable data showing the health state during Function of the TM Joint.

For more info or a Complimentary in office visit and/or Online Training contact Nate Rio at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com or http://twitter.com/naterio

MLS Laser Specs and Uses

Click below to get the MLS Brochure with specs and uses.

ASA Laser MLS Therapy and Mphi5 Device

Mphi5 Laser Shades!

The BioRESEARCH N American Sales Team donning the safety glasses for the MLS Therapy Mphi5 Laser

January 09, 2012

2012 BioRESEARCH Annual Conference of Evidence Based Dentistry

2012 BioRESEARCH Annual Conference of Evidence Based Dentistry and Biometric Diagnostic Aids

Register today!  Price increases from $1850 to $2150 in Feburary!

Contact Nathan Riopelle at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com

January 06, 2012

Free Video for your TMJ Dentistry Practice

Free Video on TMJ Diagnosis in your Dentistry Practice

For more information on the Joint Vibration Analysis and the JVA in your practice, contact Nathan at 414-202-5430 or nathanr@bioresearchinc.com
