February 18, 2014

Joint Vibration Analysis For Diagnosing TMJ Dysfunction

The temporomandibular joints or TMJs are one of the more complex joints in the human body - here we will discuss a method in the Joint Vibration Analysis or JVA that many dentists are using to aid in the proper diagnosis of TMD or TMJ dysfunction prior to routine dental care.
TMD or TMJ dysfunction is a complex, umbrella term for any of the pathologies associated with the joints themselves, in addition to the craniofacial muscles and teeth that can cause irritation or dysfunction in the joint itself. TMJ can cause many different signs and symptoms including facial and neck pain, joint and jaw pain, difficulty chewing, eye pain, ringing in the ears and tinnitus, as well as the more commonly known 'clicking' and 'popping' of the joints. Joint Vibration Analysis offers a method of helping the clinician to diagnose the intracapsular, or 'within the joint capsule' space of the TMJs.
The JVA measures TMJ Capsule health during function
Often times in the modern dental practice, dentists are left with more subjective methods of diagnosing TMD in in the joint, solely basing the treatment planning and diagnosis on patient signs and symptoms. However, the signs and symptoms often come later in the phase of pathology, whereas the problem can often be identified much earlier in its development prior to the patient observing those symptoms. Joint Vibration Analysis is a way to give the clinician insight as to how healthy the joint is during function (chewing and speaking) and allows dentists to properly find the problem long before symptoms may arise.
Similar to how a medical doctor takes biometric measurements of height, weight, and blood pressure as a baseline during a routine medical exam, Joint Vibration Analysis gives dentists that same biometric data on the health of the joint capsule space during a routine dental exam. The test is non-invasive to the patient, is recorded by the dental staff, and only takes a few minutes to record in the clinic.
Joint Vibration Analysis works by having the patient open and close their jaw a few times while vibrational 'transducers' record any abnormal joint vibrations. These vibrations are recorded as objective data and the results can give the dentist good information on how the TMJ disc is moving in the joint.
Normal joints should have no vibration as the joint should properly function with the disc in tact and those that have pathology in the disc space will be picked up by Joint Vibration Analysis. The dentist can tell everything from normal to a displaced or clicking disc, as well as a perforated or torn disc.
Nathan helps Dentists who needs help with diagnosing TMJ dysfunction with the JVA. Watch a free Webinar at Joint Vibration Analysis. Read more about the JVA including a section for dentists and patients.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7508290

February 10, 2014

Dental Marketing: Create an Email List And Offer Your Patients Coupons and Discounts

In the modern technological age, it is no doubt that many dental offices are looking for ways to stay in contact with their customers.

Most of your customers are on Facebook and Twitter, so I see many dental offices marketing in these avenues already.

An Untapped Dental Marketing Avenue

However, one method that I do not see dental offices taking advantage of is email marketing. Most email marketing platforms are super easy to use, and the most successful businesses, both large and small take advantage of newsletter and email marketing.

How to Set Up a Dental Newsletter to Market to Your Patients

1. Visit Aweber and sign up for a Free trial for your account. Watch this video to learn how:

2. Add your Email addresses from your existing database, and get new addresses from each new patient. You can simply ask each customer upon checking out and say,

"Would you like to receive coupons on how to save at your dental visits with us by signing up for your newsletter?"

You can also add a signup form by your front desk and give them a coupon for 50% off one of your inexpensive services, like Whitening for example.

3. Create a monthly newsletter. You can add your own pictures (like your logo for branding, etc) and send out a newsletter each month offering a discount and an incentive for getting customers in. You can even offer a free consultation as part of your dental marketing plan.

4. Watch your Business Grow!

With the Aweber program, you are able to see who and how frequently you get clicks to your offers, so it's a great way to increase the marketing to dental patients!

>>Take a Trial at Aweber here...

Good Luck!
-Nathan at BioRESEARCH

February 05, 2014

The Pueblo Chieftain | Dentist back in business with new TMJ, apnea

After closing his general dentistry practice and teaching for two years, Dr. Jim Beck has opened TMJ-Sleep Colorado, a clinic dedicated solely to diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea and TMJ (cranio-mandibular) pain and dysfunction disorders.

The two conditions often are intricately related, or can occur independently. Both can cause numerous other health issues if untreated or treated incorrectly.

Beck sees patients primarily via referral from medical doctors and dentists and works closely with a variety of specialists to pinpoint the cause and treat jaw and facial pain and sleep apnea.

Beck, who is board-certified in TMJ and sleep apnea treatment, did a lot of both during his 16 years as a dentist.

“But it became a logistics and scheduling problem” because the two specialties require so much time.

The sheer number of patients who had one or both issues convinced him of the need for the specialty clinic he opened in December.

He invested heavily in specialized equipment, including CT scanner and X-ray machines designed specifically for targeting the head and neck.

One of those devices allows him to design intricately fitted sleep appliances that address each patient’s particular jaw misalignment or disease process.

He also has equipment that allows him to measure patient progress via mobile equipment that will provide the equivalent of an overnight sleep study in patient’s own homes.

Optimum treatment requires close cooperation between Beck and each patient’s medical and dental providers, he stressed.

Beck said there are many myths and a lot of misinformation about joint disorders and sleep apnea, as well as how they’re best treated.

Beck said he’s a firm believer in CPAP for treatment of sleep apnea, but studies have shown that at least 50 percent of patients who have the machines don’t use them or can’t tolerate them — for a variety of reasons.

“You can’t piddle around with this,” he said. “That’s why I want to provide focused, evidence-based treatment in tandem with patients’ other providers.”

TMJ-Sleep Colorado is located in Suite 308 of the medical building at 1619 N. Greenwood St. The phone number is 544-0901.

- See more at: http://www.chieftain.com/life/health/2246218-120/sleep-beck-apnea-tmj#sthash.YTBWtQMq.dpuf

closing his general dentistry practice and teaching for two years, Dr.
Jim Beck has opened TMJ-Sleep Colorado, a clinic dedicated solely to
diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea and TMJ (cranio-mandibular) pain
and dysfunction disorders.

The two conditions often are intricately
related, or can occur independently. Both can cause numerous other
health issues if untreated or treated incorrectly.
Beck sees patients primarily via referral
from medical doctors and dentists and works closely with a variety of
specialists to pinpoint the cause and treat jaw and facial pain and
sleep apnea.
Beck, who is board-certified in TMJ and sleep apnea treatment, did a lot of both during his 16 years as a dentist.
“But it became a logistics and scheduling problem” because the two specialties require so much time.
The sheer number of patients who had one or
both issues convinced him of the need for the specialty clinic he opened
in December.
He invested heavily in specialized
equipment, including CT scanner and X-ray machines designed specifically
for targeting the head and neck.
One of those devices allows him to design
intricately fitted sleep appliances that address each patient’s
particular jaw misalignment or disease process.
He also has equipment that allows him to
measure patient progress via mobile equipment that will provide the
equivalent of an overnight sleep study in patient’s own homes.
Optimum treatment requires close cooperation between Beck and each patient’s medical and dental providers, he stressed.
Beck said there are many myths and a lot of
misinformation about joint disorders and sleep apnea, as well as how
they’re best treated.
Beck said he’s a firm believer in CPAP for
treatment of sleep apnea, but studies have shown that at least 50
percent of patients who have the machines don’t use them or can’t
tolerate them — for a variety of reasons.
“You can’t piddle around with this,” he
said. “That’s why I want to provide focused, evidence-based treatment in
tandem with patients’ other providers.”
TMJ-Sleep Colorado is located in Suite 308 of the medical building at 1619 N. Greenwood St. The phone number is 544-0901.
- See more at: http://www.chieftain.com/life/health/2246218-120/sleep-beck-apnea-tmj#sthash.YTBWtQMq.dpu
After closing his general dentistry practice and teaching for two years, Dr. Jim Beck has opened TMJ-Sleep Colorado, a clinic dedicated solely to diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea and TMJ (cranio-mandibular) pain and dysfunction disorders.

The two conditions often are intricately related, or can occur independently. Both can cause numerous other health issues if untreated or treated incorrectly.

Beck sees patients primarily via referral from medical doctors and dentists and works closely with a variety of specialists to pinpoint the cause and treat jaw and facial pain and sleep apnea.

Beck, who is board-certified in TMJ and sleep apnea treatment, did a lot of both during his 16 years as a dentist.

“But it became a logistics and scheduling problem” because the two specialties require so much time.

The sheer number of patients who had one or both issues convinced him of the need for the specialty clinic he opened in December.

He invested heavily in specialized equipment, including CT scanner and X-ray machines designed specifically for targeting the head and neck.

One of those devices allows him to design intricately fitted sleep appliances that address each patient’s particular jaw misalignment or disease process.

He also has equipment that allows him to measure patient progress via mobile equipment that will provide the equivalent of an overnight sleep study in patient’s own homes.

Optimum treatment requires close cooperation between Beck and each patient’s medical and dental providers, he stressed.

Beck said there are many myths and a lot of misinformation about joint disorders and sleep apnea, as well as how they’re best treated.

Beck said he’s a firm believer in CPAP for treatment of sleep apnea, but studies have shown that at least 50 percent of patients who have the machines don’t use them or can’t tolerate them — for a variety of reasons.

“You can’t piddle around with this,” he said. “That’s why I want to provide focused, evidence-based treatment in tandem with patients’ other providers.”

TMJ-Sleep Colorado is located in Suite 308 of the medical building at 1619 N. Greenwood St. The phone number is 544-0901.
- See more at: http://www.chieftain.com/life/health/2246218-120/sleep-beck-apnea-tmj#sthash.YTBWtQMq.dpuf