February 21, 2012

AutoCPAP machines and the AutoPAP

Here is a new site for AutoPAP machines - Auto CPAP.

Dentists can treat mild sleep apnea with appliances, but what about moderate and severe?  CPAP machines are still the needed method for those that are both tolerant and have higher AHI levels for snoring and sleep apnea.

If you are using a CPAP machine and you are 'tired' of doing all the sleep tests, an AutoPAP machine might be a good option.  The difference between the Auto CPAP machines and the normal CPAP is that the Auto PAP automatically adjusts to the pressure.

Depending on a number of sleep patterns and changes, your breathing may vary.  If you have a normal CPAP machine, the pressure is always the same.  If you have an Auto PAP machine, it can adjust depending on these factors that change your breathing:

  • Under the influence of sleep medications
  • Changed sleep patterns due to travel or work schedule
  • Stuffy nose or airway due to colds or sinus infections
  • Alcohol consumption
  • changes in breathing at different sleep stages
For those just getting a CPAP machine, it is suggested that you might need to take a few extra sleep tests (polysomnograms) to titrate, or get the air pressure levels set up correctly.  Often time this can be a burden for those needing to take the tests, and it can be costly.  Auto CPAPs allow for automatic adjusting so often times the extra sleep tests are not necessary.

Prior to getting an AutoPAP device, you will need to see a sleep physician and take an official sleep test or polysomnogram.  If you are always feeling sleepy, take a quick checklist test at SleepTest.com.

You may peruse different models of AutoPAP machines by visiting: http://www.autocpap.org/ShopAutoCPAP

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