February 27, 2012

Top 3 Questions - JVA (Joint Vibration Analysis)

While starting to implement the JVA into the Dental practice, many dentists and staff members frequently have some basic questions.

Here are the Top 3 FAQ's with Answers to help you Troubleshoot:

1. Q: I get an error message when I go to "Record Mode." What does this mean and what should I do?
  • A: Usually this means that the JVA USB cord was unplugged and re-plugged in and the "Instacal" program needs to be re-run to acknowledge the USB driver for the device.
    • First, make sure the USB cord is plugged into the computer
    • Go to Windows Start Menu, find Instacal, and open the program (use the search field if you cannot find it.
    • This Window should then pop-up:
    • Click OK and then Record Mode should work.  If this window does not pop up and the USB is plugged in, contact us to troubleshoot further at 800-251-2315.
2. Q: How do I change the Windows View Layout under Review Mode?

  • A: Under the Review Mode, you can manually change the layout of the windows to you own configuration by changing window size, adding the FFT view (if you like), or changing the order/arrangement.
  • After you have the arrangement you like, Click Options>Screen Layout>Save.

3. Q: How do I change/write comments in the Printout Summary and Patient Narrative?
  • A: In Review Mode, Click Narrative and you can edit the content.  The information automatically saves - there is no 'save' button to click.
    • you can add personal comments, details, notes, etc to this narrative.

For other questions, email nathanr@bioresearchinc.com and I'll update this content!


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