February 03, 2012

Using EMG to Prognosticate your Nightguard and Appliance Outcome

by Nate Krey and Nate Riopelle

I think it is funny to hear when dentists say, "I am going to give you this night guard and we are going to see how it goes!" 


That is comparable to your mechanic saying, I am going to rebuild your engine, and we'll see how it goes. 
Of course my example is ridiculous, but maybe you get the point, why are we putting night guards in and not knowing the effect that it is going to have on the patients' joints and muscles?  What is our goal?  To protect the teeth, to improve muscle function, to prevent muscle function?

Dentists do have the technology available to get better outcomes on the dentistry they provide, whether they chose to use it or if they have the awareness of such technologies available on the market.

Here is a video on using EMG for compliance and case acceptance.

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