February 06, 2012

Rematee Sleep Positioner as a Snoring Remedy

As a frequent attendee to many great Dentistry sleep continuing education courses, I have recently started paying attention to the growing market to sleep apnea and snoring in dentistry.

Though fairly new to many dentists,the snoring and sleep apnea market is huge, and growing!  It is estimated per the Sleep Wellness Institute that about 100 million Americans Adults have some sort of Sleep Disorder.

Sleep disorders are becoming an epidemic - and fast. Sleep disorders are shortening lives - FACT. Sleep disorders are costing business BILLIONS of dollars in decreased wokers production - FACT. Sleep disorders are causing HUNDREDS of car accidents DAILY and costing Corporations MILLIONS in legal fees.

Now regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and snoring, there are a few things that Dentists can do to help patients and bring more business to your practice:

1. Oral Devices: Keeps the airways open by moving the bottom jaw and tongue forward and in turn tightens the tissue of the soft palate. They can be effective for mild snore and mild OSA.

2. Sleep Positioner TherapyResearch shows 60% of snore/OSA sufferers become significantly worse when on their backs. This is because sleeping on your back further encourages your soft palate (via gravity) to close over your airways.  By wearing some type of device, like the Rematee Belt, symptoms can be significantly reduced.

To learn more about the Rematee Belt, you can find info here.  Many dentists will offer a sleep positioner device in addition to and while they are developing an oral appliance.

Also, if you think you may want to seek professional help and find out more about sleep disorders and health professionals in your area, call 1-800-SLEEPTEST or visit Sleeptest.com.

Video on Rematee Testimonials from some Health Professionals:

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